Zach Wamp Praises Liz Cheney, Trashes Donald Trump


Former Tennessee Congressman Zach Wamp, a Republican, is one of several former lawmakers who signed a letter this week applauding Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY At-large District) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL-16) for their work investigating the events of January 6.

Representative Cheney, a Republican who serves Wyoming’s at-large Congressional district, serves as vice-chair of the January 6 Select Committee. Kinzinger also serves on the committee.

Wamp did not return The Tennessee Star’s request for comment on Thursday.

In the letter, Wamp and other members of the Washington, D.C.-based Issue One urged for a thorough and objective investigation. Issue One members, according to their website, want to “unite Republicans, Democrats, and independents in the movement to strengthen American democracy.”

In this week’s letter, Wamp and other former representatives said more members of the GOP must assist with the committee’s work.

“As former members [of Congress], we know firsthand how essential bipartisan cooperation is for the preservation of our republic and our shared values, and we strongly commend the contributions of Republican members Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger,” Issue One members wrote.

“We sincerely hope other Republicans will join efforts to pursue the truth and facts surrounding the events of January 6.”

Wamp and the letter’s other co-signers described the people who came to the U.S. Capitol on January 6 of this year as “a violent mob” who did “lasting damage to our democratic norms and institutions.”

Other co-signers included, among others, former representatives and senators Carol Moseley Braun, Russ Feingold, Dick Gephardt, Gary Hart, Susan Molinari, Leon Panetta, Tim Roemer, and Tim Roemer.

Wamp, in September, said Congress should restrict the ability of a U.S. senator or U.S. representative to challenge the counting of electoral votes as submitted by individual states.

In February, Wamp said Time Magazine mischaracterized him and his role with a coalition of well-known political figures and what they did in the months leading up to the November 2020 presidential election.

The Time article seemed to brag that various groups collaborated “behind the scenes” to defeat former U.S. President Donald Trump. The article attracted nationwide attention. Author Molly Ball described “a well-funded cabal of powerful people” who worked to “influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

Time quoted Wamp, a Republican, more than once.

The magazine said Wamp and a bipartisan coalition of well-known political figures belonged to this cabal. Ball, in her piece, said Wamp and other officials actively worked against Trump’s best interests. Wamp and other officials identify this coalition as the National Council on Election Integrity.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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14 Thoughts to “Zach Wamp Praises Liz Cheney, Trashes Donald Trump”

  1. WholeyMozees

    ZW and family are now, and have been, RINO republicans. It’s the only way they can win an election. Hamilton County should shed any thoughts of electing a Wamp family member.

  2. Hugh Brooks

    Wish we would look forward and concentrate on winning the elections in the upcoming cycle.

    Look how we blew the Alabama Senate race in 2017. And the Senate races in Georgia in 2020.

    Thank Mitch for handpicking horrible candidates and President Trump for caving into him.

  3. Dr Ken

    “Zach Wamp” one can’t make this up. Is he a real character? I never heard of him but rejoice in hearing he is a FORMER representative. Let’s keep it that way.

  4. Jay

    Zach is a disaster. Globalist swamp creature. Glad he is out.

  5. Lets Go Brandon

    I would be curious to know if his daughter Cody, who is running for office in Hamilton county in Mar 2022 shares his views???

    1. Save Hamilton from Wamp Family

      She is a Democrat running as a Republican. Wamp Family power play to take over Hamilton Co. Son, Weston, running for County Mayor (zero work experience) and daughter, running for District Attorney, with two years of experience in small county. Zach, an unregistered lobbyist, will cash in big.

  6. 83ragtop50

    Maybe Wamp was asleep when Pelosi forced real Republicans off of the committee. But I figure he is trolling for recognition now that he is just another unemployed bureaucrat in the Swamp.

  7. rick

    Zach Wamp what a useless rino he was. Just go away no one cares what you think. You are a has been just like Cheney soon will be. What a GOOBER!!

  8. jamesb

    with a name like zach what else can you expect? parents must have wanted him to stand out.

    i to praise liz chaney. praise her out the door and back to wyoming. war monger

  9. Molly

    Hey Zach u were fired. U have No Standing.
    Why doesnt lying Liz ask vodka Nancy what she did b4 the 1/6 demonstration ?
    Who is paying her off?
    Well matters not, Lizzy will fired soon then appear on cnn.

  10. Bear

    Just think, had all of these “never Trump” folks worked “with” Trump we would have better border security, a thriving economy, fewer or perhaps no shortages, fewer cargo ships waiting to be unloaded, lower gasoline prices and the list goes on & on.
    I sure am glad Chaney, Kinzinger, Wamp and all the rest of the Sewer Rats are spending my tax money on an investigation that regardless of the outcome will have zero improvement on our lives. D.C. is a clown show and will remain so until we stop electing unemployed ne’er-do-well parasites.

  11. Tim Price

    We have known for some times that Zack Wamp is a self serving idiot.

    Now we have confirmation!

  12. Ms Independent

    WAMP is a rhino wimp

  13. John

    The fact that Wamp supported Sethi, whom I thought was the better candidate over Hagerty, proves (to me at least) that they are all sleeping in the same bed. Wamp never saw a spending bill he didn’t like.

    2005: Voted for $100 million in funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
    2006: Voted against campaign finance restrictions.
    2006: Voted against a conservative alternative to the budget that would limit total spending to $2.7 trillion.
    2008: Voted for Obama’s bailout.

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Not sure what prompted this guy to come out from under his rock, but as far as I’m considered, he can go back under it.

    Let’s Go Brandon!
